In tali circostanze può diventare indispensabile un pacchetto come giplet. La caratteristica di questo software è quella di mostrarci sul pannello, in qualunque momento, il nostro indirizzo ip!
Installa tramite web
oppure dal terminale scrivendo:
sudo apt-get install giplet
Per aggiungerla al pannello : tasto destro del mouse sul pannello -> Aggiungi al pannello -> Giplet
Google automatic translation:
See the IP address of your computer
On several occasions he may find it useful to know the IP address that our ISP assigns us to the internet, for example, when you use remote assistance.
In such circumstances it may become necessary as a package giplet. The feature of this software is to show on the panel at any time, our ip address!
Install via web
or from the terminal by typing:
sudo apt-get install giplet
To add to the panel: right mouse button on the panel -> Add to panel -> Giplet

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