Per gli amanti del software libero comunque esiste una versione non ufficiale che sfrutta le librerie wine, Chromium.
Chromium piu' che rappresentare un'alternativa a Firefox, costituisce un esempio valido su come gli sviluppatori di linux siano pronti ad aggirare ogni ostacolo pur di assicurare qualsiasi prodotto sulle piattaforme open source.
Scarica ed installa Chromium per UBUNTU LINUX:
deb - Versione 32 bit
deb - Versione 64 bit
Una volta installato il prodotto, lo trovate su APPLICAZIONI -> CROSSOVER CHROMIUM -> CHROMIUM
Google automatic translation:
Google Chrome on UBUNTU
Google Chrome, the web browser home Google is becoming more and more 'positive comments from the public for its speed in executing javascript code. In many, in fact, they consider it the most 'fast ever. The only neo is represented by the fact that the version for linux is still in development.
For lovers of free software, however there is an unofficial version that uses wine libraries, Chromium.
Chromium piu 'that represent an alternative to Firefox, is a good example on how the linux developers are ready to work around any obstacle in order to ensure any product on open source platforms.
Download and install Chromium in UBUNTU LINUX:
deb - 32-bit version
deb - 64-bit version
Once installed the product, can be found at Applications -> CROSSOVER CHROMIUM -> CHROMIUM

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